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Artist Signature kit Felice Feltracco - set 3 aquarelpenselen
- Kazan (serie 1407) #6
- Kazan (serie 1408) #0
- Aquasoft #14
Kazan serie 1407: synthetische vezel met de eigenschappen van eekhoornhaar
Kazan serie 1408: synthetische vezel met de eigenschappen van eekhoornhaar "striping" penseel
Aquasoft serie 1412: natuurlijk wit geitenhaar
Felice Feltracco
Felice Feltracco graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice in Scenography. In 2009 some of his works were exhibited at the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolors London. His work is mainly focused on the study of nature and landscape through watercolors. He made illustrations for children books in collaboration with medievist Chiara Frugoni and held many exhibitions throughout Italy.